The NBAS is an indicator of the newborn’s capabilities. It is administered to infants aged between three days and four weeks. The assessment is carried out by experienced assessors, certified by the international B. Brazelton Centre. What is the NBAS?Developed by T. Berry Brazelton, a Harvard University Professor of Paediatrics, the NBAS assesses twenty-eight newborn behavioural responses to stimuli (face, voice, red ball, rattle, bell, light) and eighteen reflexes. It is suitable for examining newborns and infants up to 2 months old.The NBAS-based assessment lasts from twenty to thirty minutes. It is administered to infants between feedings in a quiet, cosy room with the presence of the mother, father, or family.The NBAS is an interaction assessment focusing on the baby’s strengths. Why are we using the NBAS?To share with parents, doctors, midwives or nurses, health visitors, researchers, and other specialists the wonderful competencies of the newborn, and your baby in particular.To find out what your baby likes and does not like, as well as to decode the messages they send to you.To understand the personality of the baby in order to develop ways to manage their preferences and take care of them properly. The NBAS scale is the most comprehensive neurobehavioral assessment available for newborn babies, and it is widely used in international research studies. Who performs the NBAS?The NBAS can be performed exclusively by specialists or researchers experienced with neonates and who have received training and certification in this tool. When should the NBAS be administered?The NBAS can be administered from the second to the eighth week of life of a full-term infant.If you are interested in using the NBAS for your baby, a certified healthcare professional can assist you. We will describe and discuss the process with you. Medical confidentiality is guaranteed.The NBAS does not replace other assessments or tests your baby should undergo, including the paediatric respiratory examination, newborn jaundice examination, or other medical examinations.