We offer psychological guidance to parents whose children are born prematurely and hospitalised at a neonatal intensive care unit. We will support you from the moment of birth and throughout hospitalisation, seeking to facilitate the optimal development of the early parent-infant bond. Our psychological guidance starts at birth and continues throughout the hospitalisation of the neonate. We thus seek to support the optimal development of the early parent-infant attachment. During the hospitalisation of the premature neonate, recurring routine actions, such as baby feeding, changing, or bathing, are medicalised. As a result, parents find themselves deprived not only of the last part of pregnancy, but also of traditional parental functions: feeding, changing, bathing, and so forth. They are rendered into observers. Their newborn baby “differs” from the ideal infant parents had envisioned during pregnancy. The burden of the images from the intensive care unit and of social stereotypes “petrify” parents. They are left pondering: “the baby will be left disabled, it will die, so we don’t need to establish a bond.” It is, therefore, essential for parents to receive appropriate and specialised help so they are in a position to humanise the “strange” infant rather than only perceiving it as an intubated patient. Koitida provides customised support for parents to make new plans for their lives in line with the infant’s needs. We empower parents to encounter their baby as a human being rather than a patient at risk.
Group program for parents of preterm infants 8 Wekkly meetingsSaturday 10:30-12:00